Management Engineering Master of Science Program

The information and program qualifications related to the Management Engineering Master of Science Program, under the Department of Management Engineering of the Graduate School, are summarized below.

Information About The Program

Management Engineering is discipline that focuses on the design and development of businesses as a system.

Management Engineering specializes in designing and integrating new business systems (information, human resources, marketing, sales, service, procurement, operation, shipment, etc.) with existing systems to solve problems related to the systems they have. It includes understanding the engineering relations of basic management functions with the human element in all kinds of organizations, especially production and service enterprises, understanding the random and variable structure of operating systems and integrating these systems with different technological environments. In this context, basic management functions include planning, organizing, leadership and control.

The Master of Management Engineering program is designed to provide students with an understanding of the dynamic nature of systems related to social, economic, engineering and management, to design and implement these systems, to anticipate environmental changes and to have the ability to make the right decisions at varying times and conditions, to develop interdisciplinary solutions to problems, to synthesize new and complex ideas, educates high-level engineers with a sense of social responsibility.

Click here for the program's website.

Registration Requirements

Application Term : 2024-2025 Spring Semester
Application Dates : 06.12.2024 09:00:00 - 03.02.2025 17:00:00 ( UTC/GMT+3 )

Application Requirements (For T.C Nationality)
ALES Numerical must be minimum 80 (old system GRE Quantitative minimum 720, new system GRE minimum 156 ). Undergraduate GPA must be minimum 2.5/4 (65/100). Graduation must be All Engineering. Undergraduate (BSc) level degree in the field of engineering can apply.
Quota (For T.C Nationality): 10

Application Requirements (For International Students)
ALES Numerical must be minimum 80 (old system GRE Quantitative minimum 720, new system GRE minimum 156 ). Undergraduate GPA must be minimum 2.5/4 (65/100). Graduation must be All Engineering. Undergraduate (BSc) level degree in the field of engineering can apply.
Quota (For International Students): 3

Application Page
Graduate Education and Training Regulation Senate Principles

Application requirements, application dates, and quotas are updated in real-time from the Application System.


Information about MasterBee

English Proficiency

Regulations and Guidelines

Regulations and Guidelines

Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar

Course Plans

Course Schedules

Course Adjustment and Exemption Procedures

Course adjustment and exemption procedures are carried out in accordance with the Exemption and Adjustment Procedures Regulation of Istanbul Technical University.
Exemption and Adjustment Procedures Regulation

Program Educational Objectives

The aim of the program is to develop leaders and managers who perceive and develop the relationship between engineering and management systems at an advanced level and integrate managerial activities with different technological environments.

Measurement and Evaluation

Evaluating Student Success
The student success is evaluated considering Articles 56, 57, 58, and 59 of the Istanbul Technical University Graduate Education and Training Regulation Senate Principles.

ARTICLE 56 - Before the enrollment for the courses begins, the faculty member who offers the course informs the Program Executive Committee about the types, number and contribution percentage to the final grade of the studies within the semester, as well as requirements for a right to take the semester final exam. These requirements shall be finalized by approval of the Program Executive Committee and approval of the chair of the department, who declares them to the student and informs the Graduate School.

ARTICLE 57 - A student may appeal the final grade of a course within one week following the announcement of the grades. Appeals must be submitted to the Graduate School in writing. The relevant faculty member shall re-evaluate the student's success status and submit the result to the Graduate School within one week. Appeals not submitted within the prescribed time frame shall not be considered by the Graduate School.

ARTICLE 58 - Courses in graduate programs shall be evaluated according to the following grading system.
Grade Description Grade Scale
Excellent AA 4.00
Very good plus BA+ 3.75
Very good BA 3.50
Good plus BB+ 3.25
Good BB 3.00
Conditional Pass CB+ 2.75
Conditional Pass CB 2.50
Conditional Pass CC+ 2.25
Conditional Pass CC 2.00
Fail FF 0.00
Fail(No Exam) VF 0.00

ARTICLE 59 - Students who wish to improve their cumulative grade point average may retake courses during the course-taking period. The most recent grade will be counted for the repeated courses.


There is no internship in this program.

Graduation Requirements

For graduation, students should hold an average GPA of minimum 3.00 and succeed in seminar course and dissertation work.

Graduates of BSc degrees other than Management Engineering Undergraduate Program are obliged to attend to Academic Preparatory Class including the following courses:

ISL33E Finance
ISL213E Statistics I
ISL234E Management and Organization
ISL223E Fundamentals of Production Management
ISL353E Marketing
ISL323E Operations research
EKO201E Economics
ISL374E Management Engineering Design I
ISL384E Production Planning and Control
For registration, students are required to fill out the registration form and submit it to the department’s secretariat.

Students may apply for exemption from the courses previously taken and succeeded. For exemption, the courses should have been completed within the previous five academic years by achieving a minimum grade of “CC” or equivalent. Application is through a letter of exemption request, including the attachments of a curriculum of the succeeded course and a copy of student transcript presenting the grade achieved.

The Awarded Degree and Title

Degree : Master of Science    Title : -

Program Employment Opportunities

The primary work areas of Management Engineering graduates are Manufacturing, Finance and Marketing. These three areas constitute approximately 75% of the program graduates, while the other 25% work in many different functions for sales to the human resources. According to the sectoral separation, most of the graduates of Business Engineering are working in the information / telecom / technology sector. This sector is followed by Banking /Finance and Automotive.

Number of Graduates

Graduate Statistics
YearNumber of Graduates

Program Outcomes

P.O.1 The ability to develop and deepen advanced-level knowledge and to grasp the inter-disciplinary interaction within the field of Management Engineering, for individuals with a B.S. in engineering degree
P.O.2 The ability to integrate expert-level factual and theoretical knowledge; to identify and solve the problems faced in the field of Management Engineering by integrating the knowledge of Management Engineering and other disciplines and hence create original knowledge
P.O.3 To develop new strategic approaches to solve the unforeseen and complex problems and to provide solutions by taking responsibility to carry out and lead independent research related to the field of Management Engineering
P.O.4 To assess the specialised knowledge and skills gained in the program with a critical view and direct one’s own learning process
P.O.5 To systematically transfer the knowledge of current developments in the field of Management Engineering and one’s own work to other groups, within and outside of the field, in written, oral and visual forms supported by information and communication technologies, and to support ideas with qualitative and quantitative data collected and analyzed within a scientific framework, by paying attention to social, cultural and ethical values
P.O.6 To develop strategy, policy and application plans regarding the subjects in the field of Management Engineering and to evaluate the end results of these plans within the framework of quality processes

Program Coordinator

Doç. Dr. Tuncay Özcan

Head of the Department

Prof. Dr. Hatice Camgöz Akdağ 