Material Science and Engineering Doctor of Philosophy Program

The information and program qualifications related to the Material Science and Engineering Doctor of Philosophy Program, under the Department of Material Science and Engineering of the Graduate School, are summarized below.

Information About The Program

The Materials Science and Engineering program is designed as a multidisciplinary program with a high educational emphasis. It has a curriculum that includes the contributions of different disciplines in basic materials science and engineering subjects and has a wide range of engineering-oriented courses.
In order to increase interdisciplinary cooperation within the program, special importance is given to co-advising in the program.

Why Materials Science and Engineering Program?
- The opportunity to work with different departments (Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Physics, Aerospace, Molecular Biology, Genetics) as co-advisors, and the chance to graduate as researchers and entrepreneurs who have developed multidisciplinary working habits.
- The opportunity to take part in international collaborative projects and to conduct co-advised thesis studies with faculty members from the world's most prestigious universities and research institutions
- Opportunity to participate in international exchange programs such as ERASMUS
- Opportunity to work in areas that will determine today's technologies such as nanotechnology, nanomaterial production and characterization, surface treatment technologies, advanced ceramic materials, energy systems, automobile technologies

Click here for the program's website.

Registration Requirements

Application Term : 2024-2025 Spring Semester
Application Dates : 06.12.2024 09:00:00 - 03.02.2025 17:00:00 ( UTC/GMT+3 )

Application Requirements (For T.C Nationality)
ALES Numerical must be minimum 80 (old system GRE Quantitative minimum 720, new system GRE minimum 156 ). Graduate GPA must be minimum 3.00/4 (76.66/100). Minimum GPA from undergraduate to doctorate must be 3.5/4 (88.33/100).
Quota (For T.C Nationality): 5

Application Requirements (For International Students)
ALES Numerical must be minimum 80 (old system GRE Quantitative minimum 720, new system GRE minimum 156 ). Graduate GPA must be minimum 3.00/4 (76.66/100). Minimum GPA from undergraduate to doctorate must be 3.5/4 (88.33/100).
Quota (For International Students): 3

Transfer Quota : 1

Application Page
Graduate Education and Training Regulation Senate Principles

Application requirements, application dates, and quotas are updated in real-time from the Application System.

English Proficiency

Regulations and Guidelines

Regulations and Guidelines

Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar

Course Plans

Course Schedules

Course Adjustment and Exemption Procedures

Course adjustment and exemption procedures are carried out in accordance with the Exemption and Adjustment Procedures Regulation of Istanbul Technical University.
Exemption and Adjustment Procedures Regulation

Program Educational Objectives

Program objectives,
- To bring together students from different disciplines and schools who want to receive advanced education in Materials Science and Engineering
- To be an interdisciplinary program consisting of basic materials science courses
- To include engineering courses shaped in the light of current technological and scientific developments
- To enable students to conduct research at international level
- To develop interdisciplinary national and international cooperation and research opportunities
- To cover industrial supported research studies
- Providing advanced modern laboratory facilities
- To provide the opportunity for qualified scientists from around the world to contribute to the courses
- To train researcher and entrepreneur graduates who have developed multidisciplinary working habits.

Measurement and Evaluation

Evaluating Student Success
The student success is evaluated considering Articles 56, 57, 58, and 59 of the Istanbul Technical University Graduate Education and Training Regulation Senate Principles.

ARTICLE 56 - Before the enrollment for the courses begins, the faculty member who offers the course informs the Program Executive Committee about the types, number and contribution percentage to the final grade of the studies within the semester, as well as requirements for a right to take the semester final exam. These requirements shall be finalized by approval of the Program Executive Committee and approval of the chair of the department, who declares them to the student and informs the Graduate School.

ARTICLE 57 - A student may appeal the final grade of a course within one week following the announcement of the grades. Appeals must be submitted to the Graduate School in writing. The relevant faculty member shall re-evaluate the student's success status and submit the result to the Graduate School within one week. Appeals not submitted within the prescribed time frame shall not be considered by the Graduate School.

ARTICLE 58 - Courses in graduate programs shall be evaluated according to the following grading system.
Grade Description Grade Scale
Excellent AA 4.00
Very good plus BA+ 3.75
Very good BA 3.50
Good plus BB+ 3.25
Good BB 3.00
Conditional Pass CB+ 2.75
Conditional Pass CB 2.50
Conditional Pass CC+ 2.25
Conditional Pass CC 2.00
Fail FF 0.00
Fail(No Exam) VF 0.00

ARTICLE 59 - Students who wish to improve their cumulative grade point average may retake courses during the course-taking period. The most recent grade will be counted for the repeated courses.


There is no internship in this program.

Graduation Requirements

Please visit the links below for more information;

The Awarded Degree and Title

Degree : Doctor of Philosophy    Title : Doctor of Philosophy

Program Employment Opportunities

Since the Materials Science and Engineering program is designed as a multidisciplinary program with a high educational weight, there are opportunities to work in different engineering fields (glass-ceramics, polymers, composites, advanced technology product development, R&D centers, etc.).

Number of Graduates

Graduate Statistics
YearNumber of Graduates

Program Outcomes

P.O.1 Graduates with the knowledge and skills to research and determine the properties of existing engineering materials and to research and develop new engineering materials.
P.O.2 Graduates who know of technologies for the production, shaping and protection of engineering materials that will contribute to the design of new products and processes.
P.O.3 Graduates who can successfully take part in production and R&D studies in various industrial and research institutions at national and international level.
P.O.4 Graduates who are creative and have acquired the ability to learn for continuous self-improvement.
P.O.5 Graduates having quality and environmental awareness who will transfer this awareness to practice.
P.O.6 Graduates with qualifications that will be unquestionably recognized at the national and international level.
P.O.7 Graduates with social, social, ethical, and economic awareness and responsibility.

Program Coordinator

Doç. Dr. Duygu Ağaoğulları
Business Phone : 0212 285 6858

Head of the Department

Prof. Dr. Güldem Kartal Şireli
Business Phone : 0212-2853545