Nano-Science and Nano-Engineering Doctor of Philosophy Program

The information and program qualifications related to the Nano-Science and Nano-Engineering Doctor of Philosophy Program, under the Department of Nano Science and Nano Engineering of the Graduate School, are summarized below.

Information About The Program

Nanoscience & Nanoengineering Program is a graduate program providing education in MSc and PhD degree levels. Differences of Nanoscience & Nanoengineering Program from other graduate programs can be summarized as below:
1. Investigation of materials and related processes and phenomenons at nanoscale
2. Usage of characterization equipments suitable to nanoscale research
3. Dimensioning of designs, simulations and fabrications at nanoscale
4. Provide interdisciplinary, multi-purpose basic research and product-oriented research opportunities
5. Increasing the synergy by bringing researchers from different departments together in the same laboratory and workspace.
Nanoscience & Nanoengineering Program is a multi- and interdisciplinary program. The program has facilities in ITU Nanotechnology Research Center (ITUnano) which has 100/1000 cleanroom equipped with advanced fabrication and characterization tools.

Click here for the program's website.

Registration Requirements

Application Term : 2024-2025 Spring Semester
Application Dates : 06.12.2024 09:00:00 - 03.02.2025 17:00:00 ( UTC/GMT+3 )

Application Requirements (For T.C Nationality)
ALES Numerical must be minimum 75 (old system GRE Quantitative minimum 700, new system GRE minimum 155 ). Graduate GPA must be minimum 3.2/4 (81.33/100). Minimum GPA from undergraduate to doctorate must be 3.25/4 (82.5/100). Graduation must be All Engineering, Biotechnology, Physical, Computational Science and Engineering, Chemistry / Kimya, Material Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Technologies, Mathematic, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Quota (For T.C Nationality): 10

Application Requirements (For International Students)
ALES Numerical must be minimum 75 (old system GRE Quantitative minimum 700, new system GRE minimum 155 ). Graduate GPA must be minimum 3.2/4 (81.33/100). Minimum GPA from undergraduate to doctorate must be 3.25/4 (82.5/100). Graduation must be All Engineering, Biotechnology, Physical, Computational Science and Engineering, Chemistry / Kimya, Material Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Technologies, Mathematic, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Quota (For International Students): 5

Transfer Quota : 3

Application Page
Graduate Education and Training Regulation Senate Principles

Application requirements, application dates, and quotas are updated in real-time from the Application System.

English Proficiency

Regulations and Guidelines

Regulations and Guidelines

Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar

Course Plans

Course Schedules

Course Adjustment and Exemption Procedures

Course adjustment and exemption procedures are carried out in accordance with the Exemption and Adjustment Procedures Regulation of Istanbul Technical University.
Exemption and Adjustment Procedures Regulation

Program Educational Objectives

In recent years, many studies can be found for the applications of nanomaterials such as metal, semiconductors, ceramics, polymers and composites in electronics and communications, informatics, biotechnology, energy, medicine, food, civil and environmental engineering fields. Nanotechnology can be inevitably used in diagnosis and treatment of diseases, in pharmaceuticals, in agriculture, in informatics and data storage, in developing new materials as well as in defense technology. Graduates of this program can be employed in following areas:
- Biotechnology
- Energy
- Medicine
- Pharmacy
- Environmental engineering
- Food industry
- Textile industry
- Defense
- Chemistry, physics and biology
- Materials development
- Metallurgy
- Electronics and communication
- Informatics
- Civil engineering

Measurement and Evaluation

Evaluating Student Success
The student success is evaluated considering Articles 56, 57, 58, and 59 of the Istanbul Technical University Graduate Education and Training Regulation Senate Principles.

ARTICLE 56 - Before the enrollment for the courses begins, the faculty member who offers the course informs the Program Executive Committee about the types, number and contribution percentage to the final grade of the studies within the semester, as well as requirements for a right to take the semester final exam. These requirements shall be finalized by approval of the Program Executive Committee and approval of the chair of the department, who declares them to the student and informs the Graduate School.

ARTICLE 57 - A student may appeal the final grade of a course within one week following the announcement of the grades. Appeals must be submitted to the Graduate School in writing. The relevant faculty member shall re-evaluate the student's success status and submit the result to the Graduate School within one week. Appeals not submitted within the prescribed time frame shall not be considered by the Graduate School.

ARTICLE 58 - Courses in graduate programs shall be evaluated according to the following grading system.
Grade Description Grade Scale
Excellent AA 4.00
Very good plus BA+ 3.75
Very good BA 3.50
Good plus BB+ 3.25
Good BB 3.00
Conditional Pass CB+ 2.75
Conditional Pass CB 2.50
Conditional Pass CC+ 2.25
Conditional Pass CC 2.00
Fail FF 0.00
Fail(No Exam) VF 0.00

ARTICLE 59 - Students who wish to improve their cumulative grade point average may retake courses during the course-taking period. The most recent grade will be counted for the repeated courses.


There is no internship in this program.

Graduation Requirements

Graduate conditions of PhD program:
Results of the Doctorate Thesis
Aritcle 18- Prior to completion of Doctorate thesis, one should pay attension to the subjects below:
a) Students are required to publish (or at least have an DOI) one article at A1 level international indexed and peer-reviewed journals decided by ITU to deliver his/her thesis.
b) Each department can determine new publishing rules over minimum requirements. To achieve this, department should give an academic committee report to the institute. Decision is become valid after approved by institute administrative board and university senate.
c) Students whose thesis proposals are rejected during the defense are dismissed from the University. When thesis committee asks for revisions, students are given six months for revisions. In case of a valid excuse approved by institute, time can be extended for two more months. At the end of this period, student must present thesis proposal approved by thesis advisor to the same jury.
d) Students whose thesis proposals are rejected during the defense or not delivered to the institute after revisions are dismissed from the University.
e) The thesis examination is made up of the thesis presentation followed by a question and answer session between 60-120 mins. The thesis examination is conducted in a public environment open to an audience including faculty, graduate students, and field experts. In deciding period, all audience should go outside.
f) Students whose theses are rejected may be awarded with a non-thesis master’s degree diploma provided that they submit a request form signed by student and thesis advisor to their graduate school at seven semester earliest.

The Awarded Degree and Title

Degree : Doctor of Philosophy    Title : Doctor of Philosophy

Program Employment Opportunities

Son yıllarda metalleri, yarıiletkenleri, seramikleri, polimerleri ve kompozitleri içeren nanoyapılı malzemelerin elektronik ve haberleşme, bilişim, biyoteknoloji, enerji, tıp, inşaat ve çevre gibi konulardaki uygulamaları üzerine çok sayıda çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Nanoteknoloji sağlıkta, hastalık teşhis ve tedavisinde, ilaç sanayisinde, tarımda, elektronik ve haberleşmede, bilgi işlemede ve depolamada, çoklu işlevi olan yeni malzeme geliştirmede ve endüstrinin çeşitli alanlarında olduğu gibi savunma teknolojilerinde de vazgeçilmez olacaklardır. Bir yandan moleküllerden nanomakina yapma çalışmaları yürürken diğer yandan nanoboyutlara inilerek üretilen bilgisayarların bilgi işlem hızları ve bilgi depolama yetenekleri mevcut olanların kat kat üstüne çıkarılabilecektir. Küçük hacimli bilgisayarlarla donatılmış nanorobotlar sivil ve savunma alanlarında birçok ihtiyacı yerine getirecektir. Dış kaynaklı savunma sistemlerinin görünmeyen ve tespit edilemeyen kısımlarına yerleştirilmiş bu gibi cihazların milli savunmamıza oluşturacağı tehdit ve zararların büyüklüğünü hayal etmek zor olup gerekli tedbirlerin alınması gerekmektedir.

Ulusal nanoteknoloji stratejisinin oluşturulmasına katkıda bulunacak eğitim programlarının açılması önem taşımaktadır. Örneğin, kişilere göre seçici olarak tahrip edici çeşitli mikropların ve ilaçların piyasaya çıkması ve bunların bertaraf edilememesi çok düşündürücü ve ürkütücüdür. Öte yandan, nanosensör ve bilgisayarlarla ve uzaktan algılama yeteneğine sahip sistemlerle donatılmış ve hedeflerini çok yüksek hassasiyet ve hızla tespit ve tahrip edebilen veya kendi savunmasını hızla ve doğru alabilen güçler karşısında yeterli savunma sistemleri geliştirmek ülkemizin geleceği açısından tarihi bir önem arz etmektedir. Nanomalzemelerden yapılan zırh veya daha hafif ve dayanıklı malzemeden yapılmış savunma sistemleri ile bir ülkenin savunma gücünün önemli oranda güçleneceği aşikardır. Ayrıca, nanobiyoteknolojinin önümüzdeki 20-50 yıllık dönemde hayatımızı en çok etkileyecek bilim alanı olacağı öngörülmektedir. Özellikle gelişmiş ülkeler başta olmak üzere nanobiyoteknoloji alanında araştırma geliştirme faaliyetleri ve yapılan yatırımlar ivme kazanarak artmaktadır.

Number of Graduates

Graduate Statistics
YearNumber of Graduates

Program Outcomes

P.O.1 Developing and intensifiying the current and high-level knowledge in the nanoscience and nanoengineering area with the use of original thinking and/or research processes and in a specialistic level, based upon the compentency in M.S. level. Also, grasping the inter-disciplinary interaction related to nanoscience and nanoengineering area; reaching original results by using the specialistic knowledge in analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating new and complex ideas
P.O.2 The ability to evaluate and use new information with a systematical approach, developing a new idea, method, design and/or application which brings about innovation; or, applying a conventional idea, method, design and/or application to a different environment; researching, grasping, designing and applying an original subject, the ability of critically analyze, synthesize and evaluate the new and complex ideas, acquiring the most developed skill about using the research methods in the studies in nanoscience and nanoengineering area.
P.O.3 Contributing to the progress by independently carrying out a study which uses a new idea, method, design and/or application which brings about innovation; or, applying a conventional idea, method, design, and/or application to a different environment. Also expanding the limits of knowledge by publishing at least one scientific article in an international peer reviewed journal and/or creating or interpreting an original work in nanoscience and nanoengineering area.
P.O.4 Fulfilling the leader role in the environments where solutions are sought for the original and inter-disciplinary problems. Also developing area-related new ideas and methods by making use of high level intellectual processes such as creative and critical thinking, problem solving and decision making
P.O.5 The ability to see and develop social relationships and the norms directing these relationships with a critical look and the ability to direct the actions to change when necessary
P.O.6 The ability to establish effective communication with experts in the international environments to discuss nanoscience and nanoengineering area-related subjects and to defend original opinions, showing one’s competency in nanoscience and nanoengineering area. Also, proficiency in a foreign language –at least European Language Portfolio C1 Level- and establishing written, oral and visual communication and developing argumentation skills with that language
P.O.7 Ability to establish effective communication in the solving of the problems faced in the area, by using the strategic decision making processes. Also, contributing to the solution of nanoscience and nanoengineering area-related social, scientific, cultural and ethical problems and promoting the development of these values

Program Coordinator

Doç. Dr. Birgül Benli

Head of the Department

Prof. Dr. Ömer Şahin