To foster excellence in graduate education on the Extractive Metallurgy and Technology Engineering, to educate leader researchers and entrepreneur people who are preferred and respected in both national and international arenas, and to maintain the sustainability of the process.
We aim to educate a versatile individual who are able to contribute much more than a narrow technical expertise, to interpret interdisciplinary approaches for addressing complex critical care problems on the productions of metallurgical processes including shaping, conserving and characterization of the engineering materials.
Extractive Metallurgy and Technologies Engineering MSc program is a graduate program giving education under ITU Graduate School of Science and Education, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. Extractive Metallurgy and Technologies Engineering is defined as an interdisciplinary area subjecting the production of metals and alloys from raw materials such as ore and scrap, purification, alloying, forming, protection, ability to have suitable properties during service life, production method, property, structure and composition, performance of materials and their strong relations and especially environmental concerns and responsibilities during processing and usage.
Human development, enrichment, security and increase in life quality have been proceeded parallel to the new materials, their usage and the development of the synthesised products. The existence of modern world tools and materials, machines, computers, automobiles, air vehicles, communication tools and structural materials has not been possible without the new materials and their efficient production. That’s why it has been seen that ages are named by the basic materials used by civilizations. The best examples are as follows; Stone Age, the following Palaeolithic Age defined by learning of shaping of rock formed after the cooling of lava after the explosion of Hasan Mountain in East Anatolia, and the Bronze Age defined by the production of iron and copper and the discovery of alloying with the development of economic structure and knowledge. It has been pioneering us as historical mission of Anatolian civilizations, born of first metallurgists in this country and gave direction to the history in terms of historical development of metallurgy.
Understanding the perfect structure of materials in nature and synthetic production of similar materials to serve them to humankind will continue its importance in the future. Not only the discovery and development of these materials but also economically and environmentally friendly production and processing of these materials defined as “novel, advanced or advanced technology materials” suitable for their application areas. For this reason, the importance of extraction and processing methods has been increasing as well as developments about these materials.
Metallurgical education serving in our country for 56 years was first established in ITU. It continues its development as a science and technology branch providing multidisciplinary works with chemistry, mechanics, civil, aeronautics and astronautics, electric / electronics, environment and even in medicine science. It plays an important role to gain methods that are in harmony with extraction processes with efficiency, energy, raw materials and environment.
Extractive Metallurgy and Technologies Engineering and different scientific collaborations have been in progress with RWTH Aachen University, Max-Planck Institute and TU Bergakademie Freiberg from Germany, Chalmers University from Sweden, KTH University from Switzerland, NTNU Trondheim from Norway, Argonne National Laboratory and MIT from USA, University of Cambridge from UK, ISMAN from Russia and CNR-Lecco from Italy. The graduates of Extractive Metallurgy and Technology Engineering Program plays a very important role to support the need for "equipped people" to accelerate the technological development of our country. Our graduates are able to work in all facilitates where the engineering materials technical products are manufactured including, national and international industries, in research and development centers.
Research Topics:
Metallurgical pretreatments, Pyro-Hydro-Electrometallurgy
Metallurgical Processes, Critical Metals
Environmentally Sensitive Alternative Metallurgical Processes (Non-Ferrous and Iron-Steel)
Thermodynamics, Reaction Mechanisms - Kinetics, Crystallization Kinetic of Amorphous Materials, Oxide Based Glass Systems, Phase Equilibria and Phase Transformations
Modeling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes, Industry 4.0
Production of Alloys and Metals via Carbothermic and Metalothermic Methods in ladle or EAF
Production of Advanced Ceramics, Composites and Alloys at High Temperatures
Self Propagating High Temperature Synthesis (SHS/CS), Solution Combustion Synthesis (SCS) Methods
Nobel Metals Metallurgy (Gold and Platinum Group Metals)
Environmental Metallurgy, Slag, Recycling, Waste - Raw Material Transformation
Copper, Aluminum, Zinc, Chrome, Tungsten, Magnesium and Lead
Boron and Boron Compounds, Advanced Boron Products Technologies, Carbides, Nitriders, Ferroalloys
Production of Metallic, Alloy and Oxide Based Powders, Bio-alloys
Ultra High Temperature Ceramics and Composites, Ballistic Armors, Ceramics and Composites Used in Nuclear Applications
Mechanochemical Synthesis
Energetic Material Technologies, Battery and Battery Technologies
Nano Materials / Particles and Nanotechnology
* Knowledge about technologies for production, forming and protection of engineering materials that will make benefit for designing new products and processes.
* Learning ability in order to take part successfully in local and international-level industrial plants and research organizations in the works of production, application, and R&D; ability to improve oneself continuously
* Quality and Environmental awareness ...
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